Monday, December 6, 2010

Just one more

It's Thomas' most used sign language: "just one more". One more M&M, one more book before nap time, one more sip of my coke. And because I am his mother, I delight in giving it to him. I love to watch him as I hand him that one more of whatever it is he is requesting, he usually squeals and runs in place with excitement, grinning from ear to ear. The most amusing part of the game is that we both know that he really doesn't mean it. I play the game with him because it's so stinkin' cute, but I know full well that as he agrees to only needing one more, he's gonna change his mind and think to himself "well maybe just one more after that".

In the midst of our ritual the other day, I started wondering if I do the same thing with God. Do I say and ask and pray too often for just one more? Just one more answer Lord. Just one more blessing Lord. Just one more victory Lord. Now before anyone thinks that I am for one moment implying that our God does not delight in blessing His children, that He is not faithful to always redeem His children, that He does not always hear and answer the prayers of His children, let me clarify. The Lord says in Malachi 3:10, "Test me in this, and see if I do not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it". God loves and is willing to pour out blessing; but I just wonder if He sometimes wonders when I am gonna notice the blessings that He has already given. Maybe He is thinking, "oh I can I pour out more blessing, but I'd kinda like for you to rest in the blessing that I gave you yesterday". Does that make sense, or I am delusional on this one? I do not have the slightest idea why that came to me the other day as my little man was asking me for one more, but it did. Maybe I just needed a Holy Spirit reminder that one more M&M might not be what my soul really needs. Maybe one more sip of coke is just one sip too many. And maybe my weary soul would do well to just be still and know that He is God, that He himself is enough, and I might just not need one more of anything after all. Just a thought...



Between You and Me said...

I'm in a bit of a "dry" spell....
it's SO easy for me to be performance based in my walk with the Lord...

I know better...I've experienced enough of his love and grace to know it's about him and what he has done and not what I can do for him...

but, sometimes, I still get sucked into the performance walk.

and it always leaves me feeling this way..
like a total a total failure....
satan sucks.

anyway, I needed this today...this reminder that it is good to THANK PRAISE him for all he has done...

that always gets me out of any funk I'm in...

Jill said...

I think the society we live in tells us that we need more...more...more. We're always striving for the next best thing...never satisfied. It's hard to not get caught up in it all. It's something I'm trying to work on. Being more thankful for all my blessings and living a simpler life. I sure do love "stuff" though. :-)

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Wonderful post, Amy. I think we all do the "one more" thing, sometimes too often! Your son is adorable! I'd not be able to refuse that sweet lil man ANYTHING!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

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